Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Make Muchines

Muchines are a traditional dish in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Every time I go to visit Cesareo and his family, they make this special meal.

Some say that I hold the record for most muchines eaten in one meal at Cesareo's house. Some say that the day that the Brothers Robinson ate more muchines per person than any meal at Cesareo's house. Some say I am stretching the truth, namely Pedro.

Regardless, the muchin is one of my favorite Ecuadorian foods. The ingredients are very simple (yucca, cheese, salt, vegetable oil, unrefined sugar, and some water). The process is a bit arduous (peeling and grating yucca). But the results are simply out of this world.

Not only did I learn to make ayampacos when I went to the jungle over Christmas, but I also learned how to make muchines. The issue has been making time to put this video together. With a four-day weekend in Ecuador this week, I finally got it together.


Anonymous said...

An Ecuadorian blintz????

Aunt Shira

Unknown said...

I'm not the Pedro referenced, am I? We ought to do a muchine head-to-head before you leave. Your place.