Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ian has dengue fever.

I have dengue fever. It sucks. But I am recovering and will be back soon to blog about it.


Jo Strausz Rosen said...

Ian... We celebrated Chanukah with Warren and De-De and the Pistons tonight. At half time, the entire room rose and sang Misha Barach on your behalf, led by Bruce Kaczander who led us in a dance to ward off Dengue fever. Please let us know when you are well so we can alert the Pistons. Tonight, because of you, they won their 5th straight game. Get well soon, Boychik! oxoxo

Unknown said...

Oy (as we say in Spanish)
Ojala que te mejores pronto

Anonymous said...

Have I completely lost it or is there a picture of a stop the fever march somewhere in cyberspace related to our favourite albeit afflicted frugivore?

karen said...

Good home remedy for dengue fever - The orange juice helps with digestion, increased urinary output, promotes antibodies for faster healing and recovery. It gives energy and vitamins, over all a great source for fighting fevers.

Effective home remedy for dengue fever - The raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. This will prevent dengue fever.

karen said...

Ian, I usually have some remedies but I have to admit I never learned about this one....Maybe these will help...Feel better soon....

Anonymous said...

My yonakins...
I know when you read these that you will be feeling well enough to go to the internet "cafe"..

It was so good to talk to you 2 days in a row. you sounded good and we like that!! you are definitely a "full cup kind of guy" but nevertheless, your mother and all the surrogate mothers (and fathers) worry about you...

So keep the fluids going (more than you think you need), keep eating even if it tastes like crap,and accept help if someone is offering it. Take tylenol for your achey aspirin!

We all love you and wish we could be there to do all these things for you.

Sending you a huge hug!
Love you,
Aunt Shira

cheri said...

So sorry to hear you are ill. I hope you get well very soon. Ariella has given me your site and I love reading your blog.
Cheri(Ian Monson's mom)