Saturday, December 19, 2009

A januca to remember

On the first night of januca, I had planned a holiday party to share the tradition with people in my town. Unfortunately, I had to let all my friends know that instead of a januca party, I would be having dengue.

In this picture, dengue is winning.

But in the course of the next eight days, I made quite the recovery. So much so that I was frying latkes for the eighth night.


Rubes said...

¡Que bueno!

Anonymous said...

another Chanukah miracle!
and on the 8th day he fried latkes...

sus padres

Ariella said...

is that your bed or sick bay in the living room? so glad there was enough oil for 8 days!

Jo Strausz Rosen said...

Chanukah is over and as the new year approaches, I hope it brings you great surprises in good health and adventures... rotsaruck too.



victoria99 said...

It would be nice to subscribe to your blog. It was interesting learning about your culture. I'm from the USA.