Tuesday, January 03, 2012

How to make ayampacos

Ayampacos are a traditional dish in the jungle province of Morona Santiago (In other jungle provinces, they go by the name "maito"). (If you watch the video on full screen, the words won't get cut off)

Every time I visit my friends in jungle, they make ayampacos. I've never been able to eat them because the chicken isn't kosher. Instead, I've eaten a massive plate of rice and vegetables. While that is good, I have heard that it doesn't hold a candle to the ayampacos.

I needed to try these. So when my friends in the jungle invited to spend Christmas with them, I brought a kosher chicken from Quito so I could finally try them. They were delicious.

I had seen so many volunteers in my time enjoy these ayampacos, but none of them learned how to make them. I decided to make this video so that others can enjoy in this goodness.

A strong "dios les pague" to Cesareo and Inez for hosting me for Christmas weekend and letting me make this video.


DeDe said...

It may be time for

Cocina de Yoni

Also did Caesario and Inez notice the "higher authority" in the ayampacos?

Ariella said...

can we make it with soy chicken? it looks really yummy!

Rubes said...

I love Cesareo's line about good onions