Sunday, October 11, 2009

Crazy Cows

With my town being in fiesta mode last week, there are a few activities that are required to be officially classified as a “fiesta.”

First, you have to have the beauty pageant.

Second, during said pageant, you have to thank the mayor sixty-four times for his attendance.

Third, you need some sort of procession or parade.

Fourth, you need to have the pyrotechnic cow.

Fifth, and I would say most importantly, you must dress a child up in a pyrotechnic cow costume, light the pyrotechnics, and then have him run through a crowd of people.

This activity is called vaca loca.

The people here know that it is a very dangerous activity. I would actually like to know how many vaca loca-related casualties there have been. But because it’s such an integral part of the fiestas here, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

After they elect the queen, they light the cow costume on fire. The kid then runs through the large crowd of people that came out to watch the pageant. He starts running, the pyrotechnics start twirling, sparks start shooting, kids shout, some cry, everybody scrams, and then the cow runs after the fleeing people to start the cycle over again.

Now, I know what you are thinking?

A pyrotechnic cow costumer, this would be a great idea for next year’s Franklin Labor Day Parade.

1 comment:

Avery said...

Pyrotechnic cow…maybe a goat?
I hear they are more people friendly and can learn to fetch soup.