Friday, March 05, 2010


It was a scorcher Friday.

We are in the heart of the hot season, and it might have been the hottest day yet.

It was the last day of the day camp we organized, and we were treating the kids to a day at the pool at the army base. But we had to walk to the army base, which was on the other side of town.

(I know it's far, but think of how refreshing a cold pool is on a hot summer day)

When we got to the base, we bought two big, cold bags of water to give the kids (water comes in bags here, related blog post upcoming).

Who wouldn't have killed for a cold glass of water in this heat wave?

Our kids, that is.

Ian: Water?
Kid: No thanks.
Ian: Why? It's important to drink water on a hot day.
Kid: No thanks. It makes me sweat.

I didn't even know what to say to that ... and still don't.


Avery said...

Did you ask them why they were afraid of sweating?

Rubes said...

A teachable moment, foregone.

Perhaps such moments arise too often for you to even recognize them.