Sunday, August 05, 2012

The weather report

My host dad and I were harvesting lettuce the other day when he gazed at the ominious-looking clouds in the sky.

Host dad: It´s going to rain.
Ian: When? Should we get some of the tools inside?
Host dad: No, there´s no rush. It will rain in the next ten days.

In Ecuador, I was used to be people predicting rain on a moment´s notice. No one planned for rain in the next week or two weeks. Most rain predictions came hours or minutes before the heavens opened up.

When I asked my host dad about how certain he was, he said ´´It might rain. It might not rain.´´ Then he kind of shrugged his shoulders and continued with his work.

The next day, he looked up at the sky, paused for a second, and declared that it will rain in the next nine days. He spoke with the same certainty as he did the previous day.

I asked him if he ever considered a future as a meteorgologist. He said that they would fire him after the first broadcast.

We simulated his initial, and only, show:

Anchor: Now, with the weather, we have Marcio.
Marcio: Good afternoon, everyone. After looking up at the sky and checking out the radar, I can say with certainty that it might or might not rain in the next 10 days. Back to you.
Anchor: Thanks, Marcio. I guess everyone should keep their umbrellas handy. You could use it as a parasol if the rains don´t come.

I´ll keep you posted on the accuracy of his forecast.

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