Saturday, June 06, 2009

¡Mazel tov!

I have been in Ecuador a little over three months, and until now I have not really missed too much about the United States. That changed today.

I want wish a mazel tov to my cousin, Etan, and his wife, Krin, on the occasion of their marriage. There is nowhere in the world that I would rather be today than Ann Arbor, Michigan, celebrating with my family.

Unfortunately, a Peace Corps policy restricts my vacation time in the first three months of service and prevented me from attending the wedding. Although I will be able to see the pictures and hear stories from the wedding, I feel horrible over the fact that I can´t be with my family for this marvelous day.

Even though I can´t be physically present at the wedding, I am celebrating - with the rest of the city of Arenillas. If I had to estimate, about half of the city of Arenillas is aware of Etan and Krin´s wedding and pass along their felicitaciones.

Some of my friends made signs of congratulations, like the one above, that I have passeed along to the bride and groom to show their excitement about this glorious day.

Once again, I want to wish a mazel tov to Etan and Krin, to my aunt and uncle and cousin and to Krin and her entire family.

(The kids here love having their picture taken, but they are a little shy about pictures of them going up on the internet. If I can do some Photoshopping over the next day to crop the photos, I will.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Yoni this is so sweet. ruby read your blog on Saturday night and though you were far away we felt you right there.
The weekend was so wonderful...I think it went just as Krin and Etan wanted...she looked beautiful and he so handsome and very much in love. IT was a lovely ceremony and a great party...great toasts, dancing, singing by Etan and his a cappella boys and "schtick" from the groomsmen...The weekend started with Shabbat dinna really small group that felt just chatter and good fun and yummy challah from the Robinson kitchen...the Saturday night dinner was equally as wonderful..lots more people and longer toasts....Your brothers did ya proud...I loved watching them all weekend and Ariella had a super time at her baby brothers wedding. she made great toasts and looked gorgeous!

Hope you get to see some pics soon!
Missed you
aunt Shira