Monday, June 22, 2009

Most hilarious cuke I´ve ever seen

So, I was walking through town, introducing myself to the presidents of all the neighborhoods when I came across the biggest pickle any of us had ever seen.

I was talking to the homeowner and he said that his friend from Loja (town in the mountains) gave him the seeds. He planted it a few months ago and gave me a few seeds for my own vegetable patch. I gave him about 10 eggplant seedlings in exchange.

Since I was child, the cucumber has been one of my favorite vegetables. We would have salad at dinner, made out of lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. But by the time I was done with it, it was just lettuce and tomato.

So I like cucumber. And I like hilarious things, like the shape of this cucumber. Put the two together, and this might be one of the best things ever.

1 comment:

Ariella said...

I'm glad you finally found some cukes. I hope the supply is keeping up with your demand!!