Saturday, September 26, 2009

Frank “el Tanque”

If “Old School” were made in Ecaudor, I’m pretty sure I have found my Will Ferrell.

He lives down there street.

And, let me clarify my previous statement (actually two statements ago, but who’s counting). I have not actually met him.

His legend has travelled through the neighborhood.
Now, I spent a shade under half a decade at college.

And while I didn’t actually drink, I witnessed my share of drunken exploits and heard of countless others.

[Here is where I would put the list, but I’m not going to embarrass you like that. Just know that I started to write said list, but deleted it because, well, 'tis the season of reflection and I try to be a nice guy...]

So I thought I was prepared in being able to listen to a drunken escapade story without rolling over laughing and peeing my pants.
I’ll set the scene.

Sunday night.

I am shooting the shit with my landlord.

We are talking about some of our neighbors when the subject changes to someone in town who I don’t know yet.

Then my landlord’s wife chimes in.

Landlord’s wife: Remember that time when he rode around naked on his donkey.

Landlord: Yeah, that was pretty funny.

Ian: Wait. Did I understand that correctly? Naked donkey riding?

Landlord: Yeah, he was a little over-served and started riding his donkey through town.

Ian: Just in the neighborhood?

Landlord: No all over town. It took a lot of us to contain him.

Ian: A lot of us? You had to stop the naked man riding his donkey?

Landlord: Yeah, he hasn’t been able to live that one down.
Now, before going on, reflect on the story you just read.
Well, if he ever lives that one down, I want someone to give me a detailed account of what he exactly he did to live that down (preferably in video form so he can become a YouTube legend).
Continue reflecting.
"Estamos desnudos y montando el burro. Woooooo. Vamos al parque central. Y despues vamos al gimnasio. Todos estan viniendo en sus burros."

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