Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fresh milk

When walking through downtown Guayaquil, one might think they are in any large Latin American city.

You have the big government buildings, museums, large markets, crosswalks, clean parks.

You might actually start thinking that you are in a more developed country.

Then you turn a corner and see a guy walking two goats through the city center.

But he`s not just walking the goats to give them exercise. He is an entreprenuer.

You see, in one hand he carries the goats` leash. In the other, he has a sleeve of shot glasses.

He stopped in front of a store, put the cups under the goat`s udder, and poured a glass of milk. Then, he walked toward the store and sold the fresh goat milk to the shopkeeper.

And then he continued on his way.

I was in a cab when I saw this scene play out, so I wasn`t able to ask the vendor follow-up questions or order my own glass. Plus, I was in Guayaquil, so I didn`t have my camera handy. But you can imagine the outstanding ridiculousness of the moment.


Ariella said...

That's what they call fresh milk and personal service!
So glad you are back to posting updates.

Anonymous said...

Did he " make the face"?
