Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things crawling on my bathroom door

It's been around for a few days now, long enough that I can start thinking of names. Any ideas?

Either way, I don´t know if it's male or female.
I took this picture early in the morning. I walked to the bathroom to poop and saw this frog on the door. I went back for the camera and snapped the above image.

So what happened after?

I had to poop, but there was a frog on the door. I know that it's a frog and that it doesn`t care what I'm doing. But it's uncomfortable for me.

So I went back for my broom to poke him off the door. The thing about the frog is that he was really stuck to the door. So it took some prying before getting him on his way.

I ran into the frog a few days later. This time, I didn't even realize it was the frog until I had already stepped on him/her.

You see, I was walking in the dark between my kitchen and my living room. I saw something roundish on the ground, maybe a piece of garbage. Who knows?

So I stepped on it. As I was stepping down onto it, I realized this wasn't plastic or an insect. Plus, the frog realized the danger it was in as soon as my foot weighed down on him/her. It scampered off.

Then, last Friday night, I had some friends over for dinner and had briefed them about the frog situation. It's not that abnormal for volunteers to talk about their encounters with animals. Actually, it's pretty common. Some talked about run-ins with snakes, angry dogs, etc.

One of my volunteer friends stood up to go to the bathroom and discovered the frog on the wall. When the volunteer went back to poke the frog, it took some preemptive action and pooped on the volunteer's hand.

The most disappointing thing in all of this is that s/he never once ribbitted. (sp?)

Maybe it's mute.


Anonymous said...

Yech!!!!! You are very brave Yoni...I mean they belong outside..not inside and definitey not on the bathroom door!

Good thing you got przctice with squirrels...

Erick said...

Ian, get rid of it. I'm not saying that you should kill it, but just make sure it stays outside your house. Frogs are FULL of diseases and could be very dangerous!

Anonymous said...

Ian, that's one big frog. I'd hate to step on that at night. I hope you are well. My class studies South America in March. Steven in Vermont

Avery said...

I once learned a song about frogs being attracted to Pharaohs…