Wednesday, September 01, 2010

That's not a tandem

It is clear that my neighbors do not understand what a tandem bicycle is.

From what I can gather, a tandem bicycle is one bike in which there are two seats and both riders pedal.

When my neighbors decide to go for a tandem bike ride down the street, they opt to tie two bikes together with a rope so that the lead bike is pulling and the back bike is just going along for the ride.

The guy on the back bike doesn't pedal at all. (I actually think his bike was broken, which was the impetus for this activity). The lead bike must provide enough momentum for the back bike to maintain its balance.

As you can imagine, the lead bike struggled to provide enough momentum to power both bikes. It ended in a crash every time.

I think of it as a combination of a tow truck and water skiing, except that instead of falling into water my neighbors are crashing onto the street.

I just hope these kids never get a hold of any copies of Jackass because they really don't need any ideas. These are the same kids that thought it was a good idea to see how hard they could tug on the power lines.


DeDe said...

I know from tandems and this does not sound like one

a photo would be fun

. said...

going to INDONESIA

Adam said...

LOL as if they thought that might work!