Thursday, May 28, 2009

This is advertised as the presidential model


DeDe said...

Setting up house? What were you shopping for?

your consumer reporter

Unknown said...

Ian & All Robinsons- It is very seldom that I laugh out loud while reading and I read a lot. Ian--You have a gift. Your blog was absolutely hilarious. Love your style. You really can write, boy. Guess they do squeak out a few talented journalists from Michigan.

Wonderful reading. I sent link to Matt & Jacqui. And the translation of the link is.

Sure you are a credit to U.S.A. THey are lucky to have you.

By the way...Is it true that there is a significant Jewish immigration to Patagonia? Read in my International magazine subscription which is about as far as I get off the reservation.

Thanks, Ian. You made my day. Will continue to follow your adventures