Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Please take my five dollars

My electrical bill last month came out to $4.80.

The amount is minimal, but the hassle to get that paid off is great.

You see, the electric company doesn't have its own office where you can pay your bill. There is no online bill pay, either.

You need to go to your local bank branch.

Keep in mind that you aren't the only person who has to do this. Everybody in town has to. And since everybody gets their bill around the same time and only has one week to pay before incurring penalties, there is quite a line at the bank.

I don't even have to get into how slow the bank line can move because some people actually go to the bank for real bank business that takes time. It's best to clear out half a day, just in case the line moves slower than normal.

There is another option, though.

One of the pharmacies in town also functions as an ATM for the bank. Their sign says that you can pay the electric bill there, but their machine is about as reliable as — well anything else in this society.

Well, the last day to pay deadline was quickly approaching, and my bill remained unpaid. I have been so busy with work that I haven't been able to clear my schedule, so I popped into the pharmacy today on the chance that I could get that monkey off my back.

Ian: I'd like to pay my electric bill. Can I do that here?
Pharmacist: No.
Ian: OK. But why is there a pile of 300 electric bill receipts on the counter?
Pharmacist: People have paid their electric bill.
Ian: I'd like to do the same.
Pharmacist: I guess you could pay here. You know you can also pay at the bank?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nu??? What happened? Did you or didn't you?

Aunt Shira