Thursday, November 15, 2012

Quit blaming the men

I was riding around town with farmer the other week, and we drove past some pretty girls who were walking down the street.

As soon as we got close to the them, the car's horn sounded. I didn't think anything of it.

We continued driving down the road and came upon some more pretty girls. The horn sounded again.

I looked over at the farmer and he said, "There is a problem with this car's horn. Every time it sees an attractive woman it makes a noise. I can't control it."

In more than three years in Latin America, I have been trying to find an answer to why men catcall so often if it never works to pick up girls.

Now I understand. It's not the guys' fault.

1 comment:

SLTbeyondthesea said...

Honking works on me every time