Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New blogging idea

I am very pleased with how this blog is working out. I will continue to blog in the existing fashion, but there is somethign that I have always wanted to do, host a press conference.
In my time at the Daily, I have observed several press conferences. I would like to try my hand at it.
Therefore, I am asking you guys to send me questions during the day asking about different aspeccts of my day ofr life in general. At the end of the day, I will sit down at my computer and answer all the questions.
In my time at the Daily, I realized that people often avoid questions. I won't do that.
I will not call out anybody for asking certain types of questions that I don't like answering, and I will not give "no comment" answers (or will try my darndest not to).
A few sample questions to get your minds churning:
Ian, talk about your meals today and take me through your thought process on deciding where to eat.
Ian, have you been to any museums yet in Israel (ie. the Armenian Museum in the Old City)?
Ian, have you been on any tiyyullim (trips, pardon my transliteration)? Are there any in the works?
Ian, what is in your fridge right now?
Ian, I understand that your remote control is not working. Thoughts on the situation.
Ian, did you get that job at SPNI? "Yes." Ok, what is it that you do there?
Ian, what is the best way to talk to you? Skype
Ian, I understand that you wear Chacos everyday. How is your tan developing?

Let's try this experiment. If it fails, we will still be doing the traditional blogging style. If this press conference works out, I will be living a dream.
If you could send your questions through the comment feature by 5:00 p.m. eastern time, I should be able to hold a press conference before I go to sleep. Please send them in. I will hold the first presser tomorrow night before I go to sleep.
A little preview of my day so you know what to ask. In the morning, I plan on doing some work at the SPNI office. In the afternoon, I will volunteer in an garden near Givat Shmuel. Lunch is up in the air but I smell a visit to Mahane Yehuda. Hope that this gets your mind going. Talk to you tomorrow.
(I would like to thank Jose for the idea of an end-of-the-day press conference)
Down the line, I could handle press conferences as if I am another person (ie. coach, movie charcter, cartoon, politician, Drew Rosenhaus, White House press secretary, etic.)


Anonymous said...

Do you have a press pass? Follow up.
Can I have a press pass?

Anonymous said...

it's a new cult

hey i "hearyoni.blogspot" Do You???

Anonymous said...

What is in the refrigerator?

Ian said...

Ian, how have you been able to follow the Tigers? Thoughts on thier performance this far.

Kacz said...

the franklin umpiring squad didn't show up at the little league diamond yesterday. how would you ensure that this doesn't happen in the future -- if you were in charge?

lindaj1 said...

Ian, loved the Lag B'Omer recap. I especially like seeing the large pieces of wood being shlepped through the street in preparation for the night's fire. Keep your awesome blogging coming.

Anonymous said...

LOve the food race, where is the ever-popular

rolly-poly rugelach?