Monday, May 22, 2006

22 miles away: You gotta get yourself a new map

For the past two weeks, my job with SPNI has been to record all of the recreation sites in Jerusalem. On my way to the Peace Tents exhibit yesterday afternoon, I figured that I could stop by a site in person that seemed particularly interesting — the Jerusalem Club for the Blind.

It is located on Ein Rogel St. on the edge of the Abu Tor neighborhood, near the Ariel Hotel, which was frequented by the 2004 JAMD Senior Trip (Asaf l'panim). Well, at least I thought it was there. After wandering up and down the street, I ask a female IDF soldier where the club for the blind is. And she tells me, no joke, "Just go down that street (pointing down Ha-mefaked St). You'll see it."

Either that was just a coincidence or she has a brilliant sense of humor. As much as I hope it is the latter, I think it is former.
It turns out that she pointed me in the direction of the club for the crippled (again, no joke). It was a small shack on a bend in the road. I didn't notice any recreation facilities on the premises (it was just four guys chillin').

I gave up on finding the Club for the Blind and headed off to see some conceptual art. Later that night, I ran into the Michigan Birthright trip on Ben Yehuda St., and I relayed the story to David. This is a direct quote from that conversation. "That place (the Club for the Blind) must not be there because it was nowhere to be seen."

I have come to one conclusion from this experience: I need to get a new map because my current one is not up-to-date enough (even though the front says 2006 edition).

*As someone who suffers from a visual field loss, it is acceptable for me to make blind person jokes.

Robin Hood: My first matter of business I would like to appoint a new Sheriff... My friend Achoo.
Crowd: A black sheriff?
Blinkin: He's black!
Achoo: Hey, it worked in Blazing Saddles!
Crowd: Yeah.

Blinkin: Oh Master Robin!
[hugging a replica statue of the Venus de Milo]
Blinkin: You lost your arms in battle! But you grew some nice boobs.
Robin Hood: Blinkin, I'm over here.

A blind guy walks into a bar. Ouch.

A blind man is sitting on a park bench. A rabbi sits down next to him. The rabbi is chomping on a piece of matzah. Taking pity on the blind man, he breaks off a piece and gives it to the blind man. Several minutes later, the blind man turns, taps the rabbi on the
shoulder, and asks, "Who wrote this crap?"


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Asaf LaPanim, could I please get a reminder of the rules? I seem to be blanking on it.

Rubes said...

did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Anonymous said...

Let's just say I have been too busy to do spell check. This blogging stuff is pretty new and I need to get the hang of it.
The beauy of being in Jerusalem is that there is always something else to do if your plans or event fall through; that's called an opportunity to be a tourist.

Anonymous said...

Ian, It is quite possible that you did not see the club for the blind because it was written in braille.....